Team AgniRath - World Solar Challenge 2025


Team AgniRath, a passionate group of 48 undergraduates from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of solar car technology for the future of sustainable mobility. Inspired by the documentary "Lightspeed," six young engineers embarked on this ambitious journey in 2021. As the team grew, facing the initial hurdles, the passion to design and build high-performance solar cars to represent our country in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge kept pushing us. Through relentless effort and hard work, we successfully built our first solar car, Aarush, and proudly represented our nation at the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2023.

World Solar Challenge

The historic Bridgestone World Solar Challenge is a biennial 3,022 km long endurance race for 5 days through the harsh Australian Outback, solely based on solar energy, and requires exceptional innovation and unwavering resilience. The intense heat, unpredictable weather, and fierce competition test the limits of both the human and technological capabilities of the world-class teams.

Our first achievement

Aarush is meticulously designed to sail 3 times smoother than a sedan through the rough Australian winds. We have pioneered the use of a carbon fibre monocoque chassis in India, integrating one of the longest such chassis ever built in the country. Our in-house-built solar panel, integrating the best solar cells, boasts an efficiency of 21%. We have pushed our limits in developing an energy-dense battery pack out of the high-grade Li-ion NMC cells, one of its kind motor controller heat sink and the entire electrical.

circuitry which promises the overall longevity and robustness of our electrical subsystem. Further integration of a state-of-the-art axial flux motor with an efficiency of 98% ensures that our car cruises at an average of 75 kmph with power less than a hair dryer! Participating in the World Solar Challenge was an intense learning experience that pushed us beyond our comfort zone. We witnessed a truly inclusive atmosphere fostered by world-class teams, all working towards a common goal: driving innovation for the future of sustainable mobility. Although a last-minute technical failure during the scrutineering process prevented our car from officially racing, this setback did not dim our spirit. In fact, the motivation and lessons learned have fueled our determination even further.

What’s next?

With unwavering focus, we now set our sights on the 2025 World Solar Challenge, eager to showcase the result of our relentless hard work. To achieve the vision for our next solar car, your financial backing will be very helpful. It will empower us to :

1 . carry out extensive research and testing, enabling us to validate our designs and optimize performance.
2 . secure high-quality, advanced materials like lightweight composites for a 40% weight reduction and fire-retardant Kevlar for enhanced battery safety.
3. access to high-end facilities, like, CNC technology to ensure precise mold creation, leading to a more aerodynamic and efficient car.
4. cover crucial logistical costs such as competition registration, car shipping, team’s accommodation and race logistics during the month-long World Solar Challenge.

By contributing to Team Agnirath, you become an essential part of our journey. Your support will help us push the boundaries of solar car technology and bring pride to our country on a global stage. Together, we can build a sustainable, efficient, and competitive vehicle for the World Solar Challenge 2025. Join us in making this vision a reality—your involvement is not just support; it’s a partnership in innovation and excellence.

Team Agnirath 2024

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