Over the years, a large number of alumni, both individually or collectively along with their batch-mates, have donated most handsomely to help us meet many of our development objectives. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our alumni for their unflagging support - both financially and otherwise.
Here are just a few of our donors

Shri S. Gopalakrishnan
Chairman Axilor VenturesCo-founder Infosys 1977/M.Sc/PHY & 1979/MT/CS

Shri Sunil Wadhwani
Chief Executive OfficerMastech Corporation 1974/BT/ME

Shri Raju Venkatraman
CEO & Managing DirectorMEDall Medical Services 1981/BT/CH

Shri Krishna 'Kittu' Kolluri
Executive Vice PresidentJuniper Networks 1986/BT/ME

Shri Girish Venkat Reddy
Founder and Managing Partner,Prisma Capital Partners LP 1977/BT/EE

Dr. Gururaj Deshpande
Founder and Chairman,Sycamore Networks 1973/BT/EE