Saraswathi Hostel


About this cause
    • Hostel is the place where the young students' life gets shaped up. As they say, the students come in as boys and go out as men. This transformation is to a great extent happening in the hostels.

    • The infrastructures in the hostel are constantly being reviewed and improved up on to give a better quality of living to the students.

    • As "Saras" alumni we do carry fond memories of the time spent in hostel, participating in the out door games, Literary competitions, of course the common room.... The hostel garden competitions would show case the horticultural talents in some of us.

    • The students and warden of the Hostel have put together an improvement plan which would cost a sum of
Rs. 14.35 Lakhs
    • I am sure many of us would like to see the hostel facilities improved and contributions from every one of us would go a long way in enhancing the facilities.

    • The funds will support, flood lighting the playing quadrangle, providing a cloud connected printer, improving the gardens, Improve the students tech room (Hostel Innovation center), Create a hostel heritage room, improving fitness facilities etc.

  • We invite you to contribute by clicking Donate button in the below image. We also invite you to visit the hostel, talk to the students and relive the old days

How the money will be used

The money will be used for the implementation & renovation of various facilities in Saraswathi hostel


Implementation and Renovation of various facilities to improve functionality and utility in Saraswathi Hostel

  • No Of Donorw
  • No.of Donors : 14
This appeal is fully funded. Our thanks to all the donors

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