Workshops and Monthly Events


To fund:

• Interactive seminars with guest lecturers, experts or people with knowledge who are passionately interested in the topics chosen (e.g., the history of flora and fauna in IIT Madras and Chennai).
• Art workshops spread over months - creating art based on the heritage of IIT Madras, Chennai and India: this could be in the form of drawing, sculptures, painting, music, dance or drama.
• Events centred around the Reading Area may include a Book Club, workshops, and writing events.
• The Heritage Centre Theatre can be a space for organised events such as drawing competitions or musical events for various age groups (such as campus children, undergraduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, etc.).
• Heritage tours across campus and visits to museums - organised by the Heritage Centre - will create interest in students and be a way to remember the institute.
• Birdwatching, nature photography, upcycling events, etc. - these will be organised through the Heritage Centre.

What IITM gets out of it:

• IITM provide more opportunities to students as engagement with the students can measure their satisfaction and interest in the institute’s heritage. These activities will help strengthen Institute-student relationships.

What the donor can receive in return:

• The donors’ names will be on the prizes won and events conducted.
• They will have the pleasure of helping students learn more about IIT Madras, Chennai, India, and the world.

Workshops and Monthly Events

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