Upgradation of Medical Infrastructure at IIT Madras


IIT Madras Hospital established in 1969, has ensured the safe health of the institute's employees, students, and campus residents. The hospital has full time doctors as well as part time consultants, nurse helpers, and other administrative staff. The hospital has been accredited with ISO 9001:2015 acknowledging clinical excellence, providing holistic care, and ensuring evidence-based medicine.

If there is anything the last year the covid-19 pandemic has taught us is that how important is to have an efficient health care infrastructure system in place. Keeping this in mind, we are proposing to upgrade our current institute hospital facilities to be equipped for unprecedented times.

The aim of the institute is to enhance & expand various facilities such as: 

        • Construction of additional floor above front wing of Institute Hospital.
        • Face lifting and painting work on the existing floor
        • Re-locating of Pharmacy and Testing labs
        • An improved & well-equipped emergency room, casualty & ambulance service for quick response in case of emergencies - Expanded pharmacy with an adequate inventory of preventive & corrective medication 
        • Upgradation of the gynecology department & the physiotherapy department for the benefit of patients in need 
        • Advanced diagnostic facilities
        • 24/7Covid care – procure oxygen concentrators, sanitization stations in various parts of the campus, ventilators, PPE, and trained medical personals

The estimated budget for the proposed works is Rs. 5cr. Your donations, large or small, will help IITM to build better healthcare infrastructure ensuring health and safety in the campus.

Upgradation of Medical Infrastructure at IIT Madras

  • No Of Donorw
  • No.of Donors : 80
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