About the cause
We hope you are safe and healthy in your place of residence. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole world and the wait for normalcy is going to be a long one. Adapting to change is and will be the way to go. In this regard, IIT Madras has taken a decision to conduct the upcoming semester completely virtual.
We hope you are safe and healthy in your place of residence. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole world and the wait for normalcy is going to be a long one. Adapting to change is and will be the way to go. In this regard, IIT Madras has taken a decision to conduct the upcoming semester completely virtual.
The path to complete virtual learning comes endowed with some challenges when it comes to infrastructure. Not all of our students have access to laptops, broadband, etc. IITM wants to stand by our students in these challenging times and provide them a level playing field as far as access to lectures and other learning material is concerned. This has placed a huge financial requirement for enabling digital access for all our students as well as to cover some of the digital learning infrastructures at IIT Madras.
The classes for the upcoming semester starts from the month of August and IITM has taken upon itself to make this a smooth transition for our students. Together we can support the continuity of our student's education through this fund specially created towards the support of online education infrastructure for IIT Madras students.
Approximate budget per student

Approximate budget per student

We are proud of our alumni who have been an integral part of IITM's journey in helping the needy. For those who are looking to extend a helping hand, the opportunity is right here.
Online Education Infrastructure support for IIT Madras Students
- No.of Donors : 19