A Homecoming of Sorts: Distinguished Alumni Reminisce
Here are a few words from the awardees about IIT Madras upon receiving their Award.

“I'm sure IIT Madras will move forward...and make sure that there are more innovators and entrepreneurs who come out of this institute” - Mr. R. Madhavan.

The Inaugural YAAA 2023:
The Young Alumni Achiever Award 2023 marked its inaugural in the Alumni Awards Ceremony. YAAA recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of young alumni who have displayed promise and early success in their professional paths. The inaugural YAAA 2023 is Prof. Vyas Sekar and Dr Nikhil Handigol.

The award ceremony was a poignant homecoming for IIT Madras' distinguished alumni. As they delivered their acceptance speeches, memories of learning, growth, and relationships at their alma mater shone through and emphasized how family, professors, and friends enabled their success. Whether recalling lecturing in the same hall or thanking professors who ignited their interest, the alumni emphasized how the institute equipped them with a foundation for career success. Undergirding professional achievements was a sense of privilege, possibility, and responsibility emanating from their IIT Madras roots.
“I dedicate this award to my parents for all the sacrifices they made” - Prof. Rajan Varadarajan
“I dedicate this award....to my wonderful wife...she shouldered so much of my responsibility” - Prof. Ram Mohan Narayan
“Lot of it comes from the classmates and the students because they are really competitive ...if you survive this you kind of know you will be okay in most other places” - Vidhya Srinivasan
“I would say a third level of privilege I've had is actually having an extended network of... mentors, students” - Prof. Vyas Sekar