Reunion – The Real Opportunity
Reunion is really an opportunity to re-engage with friends and the Institute. They are also a great occasion to commit to give back.
For all who attend their IITM reunion, it is first and foremost a wonderful, joyous and celebratory occasion to reunite with old friends, to relive the old times and to rejoice by recalling old memories. And most who attend this fun filled event, also create new memories.
Second, and often overlooked, is the opportunity to reunite with the institution that provided the ecosystem for those friendships to form, the setting for wonderful times to be relived later and the backdrop – Tarams, Hostel, Quark, Workshop, etc – to make those memories that are recalled.
Third, a reunion is an occasion to mark the passage of time and understand the change that has occurred both in us (alumni) and on campus. To quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!” It is at a reunion that most alumni get to see what’s changed and what has stayed the same – in students, in faculty, in the departments, in research, on and on.
Finally, reunions present an opportunity for alumni of those cohorts to give back to their alma mater. Giving back can be financial, advisory, mentorship or even a commitment to return as a guest lecturer or researcher.
Why give back?
Each class has their reasons. Within each cohort, the alumni have various perspectives as well. However, there are usually a few common themes – (1) I would not be what I am today without the education I received at IITM and I want to express my gratitude, (2) I really needed support (financial or otherwise) and there was someone at IITM that provided it when I needed it the most, now it is my turn to be that someone, (3) I have been fortunate in my professional and financial growth, now I want to give some of that fortune to IITM and other institutions, and, (4) I have a great opportunity to work with my batchmates to support causes that we all believe in at our alma mater.
Are there other deserving causes than IITM?
Sure, there are. Rural development is often brought up as an alternative. Similarly, K-12 education is brought up as cause to get behind in India. There are many such examples. There are many good, deserving causes.
IITM and organizations like IITM Foundation are focused on creating an impact in India through programs in IITM and programs run by IITM. For example, NPTEL and on-line courses have broader impact in India and are not confined to those with access to the IITM campus or those who were fortunate to pass the rigorous entrance exams. Of note, is that the online courses are the brainchild of IITM Professors and Alumni engaging during a reunion which was subsequently funded by alumni philanthropic contributions.
How do we know the money given to IITM is spent well and is causing impact?
The Alumni Relations Office is accountable to the alumni donors and provides reports to ensure that donations are reaching the intended cause. For example, the Class of 1981 chose to contribute towards electrifying the buses that run on campus. It is an amazing cause as leading institutions such as IITM need to show the possibilities for the country to follow and this program enables IITM. IITM receives the money only as the milestones are met and there is clear accountability. IITM takes donor stewardship very seriously and publishes Reports and shares how the funds are utilized with donors.
IITM Foundation’s role may be helpful to understand here. IITM Foundation is a volunteer-driven non-profit (501c3 US) organization that not only serves as a channel for tax-deductible contributions by US alumni but also monitors how the money is managed and utilized by IITM. Transparency and accountability are critical to the success of both IITM Foundation and IITM.
What can we do as alumni?
First, attend our reunion. Enjoy, celebrate and reminisce. Then, learn about the current state and commit to give back in whatever way you choose – financial or otherwise. When we all give back our beloved institution continues to flourish.
If you want more information, ask your reunion coordinator, call others from previous reunion classes, connect with alumni volunteers at IITM Foundation.