Revitalizing IIT Madras Hostels for Generations to Come

Revitalizing IIT Madras Hostels for Generations to Come
Jun 13, 2024

Revitalizing IIT Madras Hostels for Generations to Come

                                                      The renovation of the Ganga hostel supported by an alumnus from the batch of 1988.

The renovation of the Ganga, Jamuna, and Godavari hostels is a testament to the strong bond between IIT Madras and its alumni community. As Professor Mahesh Panchagnula, the Dean of Alumni and Corporate Relations, eloquently stated, "This is a testament to what alumni can do for their Alma Mater to make the lives of the students more pleasant and more rewarding for the times to come."

The Chivukula Family's Commitment to IIT Madras

                                                           The renovation of the Jamuna hostel funded by Dr. Krishna Chivukula, DAA

At the forefront of this initiative is the Chivukula family, represented by Mr. Krishna Chivukula Jr., the CEO of IndoMIM Limited. The Chivukula family's longstanding support and dedication to IIT Madras have been instrumental in bringing these renovations to fruition. As Mr. Chivukula Jr. shared, "The Chivukula family has been intimately involved with many charitable activities and actively connected with IIT Madras since 2014."
                                                               The renovation of Godavari hostel is funded by Dr. Krishna Chivukula

The family's commitment to giving back to the institution that shaped their success is truly inspiring. Mr. Chivukula Jr. eloquently expressed, “Graduates of IIT have been able to move technology, markets, and society forward, through innovation, and by being engineers.  Not necessarily going out donating, by being application-oriented, practical, execution-oriented, professionals, entrepreneurs, wherever, across the board, wherever you see their influence in the world, it's significant.”

Celebrating Alumni Contributions

The renovation of these hostels is not just a physical transformation, but a celebration of the collective efforts and contributions of IIT Madras alumni. As Director Professor V. Kamakoti highlighted, "We constantly and continuously try to keep the hostel quality, and we want to continuously improve it, thanks to the alumni for giving their gracious support both in terms of funding and also in the presence today."

The event was graced by the presence of esteemed alumni, including Dr. Shivashankar, VP Operations at Indo MIM Limited, and Mr. Sridhara Ramachandran, VP Aerospace at Indo MIM Pvt Ltd. Their heartfelt testimonies and deep gratitude towards IIT Madras resonated with the audience, showcasing the transformative impact the institute has had on their lives and careers.

Replicating the Hostel Experience

The renovated hostels not only provide a more comfortable living environment for the students but also aim to replicate the rich experiences that previous generations of students enjoyed. As Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, a former resident of Jamuna Hostel, shared, "Many alumni have come by, people who have lived here, and they have moved on in life. But the initial reaction is, can't we do something to improve these hostels? So part of it is yes, you can. And we have done something."

The challenge lies in balancing the preservation of the nostalgic elements of the old hostels with the integration of modern amenities and facilities. Prof. Ramamurthi's insights on the unique architectural design of the original hostels and the need to maintain their essence while upgrading them highlight the thoughtful approach taken by the institute in this renovation process.

As we look to the future, we are inspired by the legacy of generosity and the unwavering dedication of IIT Madras alumni. Their contributions, both financial and through their achievements, continue to shape the institute's trajectory, ensuring that generations of students to come will benefit from the same transformative experiences that have defined the IIT Madras journey.

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