Ruby Reunion- Rosy Memories at Insti!

Ruby Reunion- Rosy Memories at Insti!
Dec 13, 2023

Ruby Reunion- Rosy Memories at Insti!

The 1983 batch reunited after 40 years for their Ruby reunion at their very own IITM campus. On the memorable Tuesday of November 15th, 2023, time stood still for the 1983 batch as they embarked on a nostalgic journey.
The day commenced at 6:30 am with a refreshing nature walk and cycle tour through the IITM Campus and reliving their good old days. Following a scrumptious breakfast, the alumni set off on a campus tour, a literal ‘walk down memory lane’. This was followed by a visit to the Heritage Centre, showcasing the evergreen photographs of the 1983 batch, sparking spirited conversations and unforgettable memories.

Prof. V. Kamakoti, the Director of IIT Madras; Prof. Mahesh Panchagnula, Dean, Alumni and Corporate Relations, IIT Madras: and Mr. Kaviraj Nair, CEO, Office of Institutional Advancement, IIT Madras welcomed and interacted with the alumni, inviting them to continue to stay connected and be a part of the institute’s journey and growth.
Here are a few words from the ‘83 batch on revisiting IIT Madras and reliving 40 years of memories:

“So happy to be back here in the old campus. I stayed in Sarayu, so I went to visit. It looks completely different now. My husband is also from IIT, we met here actually! It has a lot of very good memories for me.” - Geetha Murthy.

“In my fourth year or third year, there was a Kannada Drama for the Kannada Association and they were looking for folks to play side roles. Our roles were very small, but we got to know each other and we used to walk around the campus and spend a lot of time together.” - Jayasimha Murthy.

“Five years. It's all about the camaraderie that we shared, more about the people that stayed together. The same hostel and same classes for five years. I think about it multiple times. We had hardly two or three girls in our batch back then. Now we have, I think, four or five women's hostels.” - Girisan R.

“I keep coming to the institute. My son also studied here. Coming back to campus - I keep doing it! I was also very active in the IIT Alumni Association Chennai chapter. I was the president and secretary for some time.” - Bhaskaran Krishnamurthi.

“Wow. IIT Madras. Man, what an institution. I would certify that as the best institution in the whole world. You can imagine! ‘83, When I came out of IIT, I was a wholesome human being.” - Mohammed Nasser Kamal.

“The camaraderie, the welcoming that everybody did, faculty administration, hostel, hostel mates, all of them just made me feel at home. And I think that's helped me look at cultures, etc., in a very more uniform way.” - Anilesh Seth.

“I think the freedom that we had, looking back, even whatever it is, 45 years ago. Give you an example. We didn't have a computer science program. I graduated in electrical engineering, but my first job was in computer at HCL.” - Uday Bhaskar.

“It's a fantastic time, the five years rolled out with the sports activities, culturals. And the best thing is the Mardi. That is the one thing we really can't forget even after leaving IIT.” - Babu Prasad M S.
“Sitting out on a rock at Taramani Gate, drinking coffee late at night, preparing for the exam with batchmates.” - Emerick Fernando.

“Some of the best memories are chai with friends between classes. We'd have a 5-10 minutes’ break. So the civil engineering department would put out blocks for weathering with a date on it. So we'd sit on that and have tea.” - Sujatha Dube.

Recalling funny moments at IIT Madras

 “A lot of funny moments in the hostel. I used to date my wife back then. They were all, odd, that (turning to his wife) me dating you. And they used to barge into my room. Of course, nothing serious was going on. They were all shocked!” - Jayasimha Murthy.

“When I joined, I was so nervous. Guys came and ragged me and said, ‘What is the reason you are here?’ I said I am a studyful person and that guy slapped me and said, ‘There's no word called studyful in English, say studious.’ Then I corrected myself.” - Mohammed Nasser Kamal.

“Some of the stories we can't really talk about. So I'm trying to think, what kind of a story I can mention? It did away with compulsory attendance, which meant we had the freedom to attend classes or not, and many of us, like me, took full advantage of that.” - Anilesh Seth.

“The unique experience? I don't think any other institute you have. OAT. I still remember, I think 200 movies that we have seen. You would miss the period, but not the OAT.” - Udhay Bhaskar.

Nothing beats a college reunion and coming back to the Alma mater with a nostalgic feeling and heading home with etched new memories. The Ruby Reunion was a super hit. The Class of 1983 had an amazing time on the IITM campus and reconnected with their fellow mates.

Get ready for upcoming reunions which are set to take place in December and January. Check out the link to know more.

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