Cherished Memories - A few words from the IITM alumni who were part of the Chandrayaan-3 team

Regarding Chandrayaan-3: “The descent phase of Vikram lander was crucial for the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 mission. Transient flow and heat transfer on various lander subsystems during the firing of the multiple lander engines was numerically simulated. This enabled the design of robust thermal protection systems for the lander. A complementary study was made on the thermodynamics of the gas bottles that pressurize the propellants in the liquid engines of the lander. This analysis confirmed that the required quantity of propellant would be fed into the engines during descent. Another critical numerical simulation involved the interaction of the lander plume with the lunar regolith. This is necessary for the proper thrust control of the lander. Cold flow acceptance tests of the lander throttleable valves and injectors were also carried out. They ensured precise thrust generation by the lander.”
Dr T. John Tharakan (1987/M.Tech/ME, 2001/PhD/AMBE), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC)

“Seen off successfully from the lap of Earth,
Passed on beautifully to the cis-lunar path,
Inserted wonderfully into lunar orbit,
Proving consistency is your habit,
Landed magnificently on the moon,
Released majestically the Pragyan to crawl soon,
Performed magically the unplanned hop,
Carried Indian technology onto the world's top,
Lead the country into unprecedented jubilation,
Love you Vikram for all you have done for ISRO and the Nation!”
Abdul Hameed, (2004/M.Tech/ ME) Scientist/Engineer, U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)

Rajeev Senan C. (2005 / M.Tech / ME), Division Head, Monopropellant Systems and Components Division, LPSC"Our choices are shaped by our intellect and conscience. Intellect is ignited through exposure to the accumulated wisdom of numerous mentors over a lifetime. Conscience is nurtured through the synergistic ecosystem provided by alma mater. I consider myself very fortunate to have received the wisdom to make the right research choices from the great mentors of this prestigious institution called IIT Madras."
Dr Shamrao (2009/ M.Tech, 2020/PhD / ME), Scientist, URSC“I thank IITM for considering me for the Chandrayaan-3 team felicitation. Life at IITM was the life that I wish to relive, but it is a sweet memory now. Coming back to the IITM campus after a long gap definitely made me feel like flying. I remember my first entry into campus as a Stranger and now it is like returning to my sweet home.”
HM Raghavendra Prasad (2012 / M.tech / ME), Scientist/Engineer, Head, Mechanism Assembly Section, Spacecraft Mechanisms Group, URSC
“I feel very encouraged by this recognition from IIT Madras and getting motivated to make our nation proud.”
Dr S Mathavaraj, Scientist (2012 / M.Tech / AE), URSC“The call from the IITM alumni team for the felicitation function for the CH3 team was a pleasant surprise. It was akin to being called for a family function. Diving head-on into student life after nearly a decade and a half of hectic life in ISRO, I had to compete with undergrads which itself was an enjoyable experience. Though COVID was a dampener, it could not diminish my thirst for knowledge during my graduation and research that I could put to good use for the CH3 program.”
Karthik (2019 / MS, PhD / EE), Scientist, LPSC“IIT Madras has profoundly influenced both my career and my life, shaping me into the person I am today. Graduating from this prestigious institution has earned me significant respect in society. It enhanced my maturity and cultivated a more strategic approach within the technical domain, enabling me to effectively tackle complex challenges in my professional assignments. It provided me with a solid academic foundation and a nurturing environment that encouraged innovation and critical thinking. The diverse and talented community of students and faculty at IIT Madras inspired me to push my boundaries, dream big, and strive for excellence.In many ways, IIT Madras is an integral part of my identity, and I will forever cherish the opportunities and insights it has provided me.”
BS Phani Dinakar (2017 / M.Tech / ME), Scientist, URSC“It was a great pleasure and memorable moment on the day of the special felicitation function. The campus is a wonderful atmosphere to live in. IIT Madras gave me a clear path, broader knowledge, and exposure to reach the next level in my technical career. i. e. joining the prestigious organization ISRO. One of the best moments in my life was coming back to IIT-M and receiving honour for the contribution towards the achievement of Chandrayaan success.”
Sakthivel M. (2017 / M.Tech / ME), Scientist/Engineer, Mechanism and Development Division, Spacecraft Mechanisms Group, URSC